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1. First Step to Language Reform
A MONG the resolutions adopted by the National Conference on the Reform of the Chinese Written Language,[注释1] which was held in Peking in October 1955, was the first programme for simplifying the
Author: LIN HAN-DA Year 1956 Issue 1 PDF HTML
2. Fuzhou Lacquerware
THE "three treasured objects" of Chinese artcraft are Beijing cloisonné, Jingdezhen porcelain, and Fuzhou lacquerware. The two main lacquerware workshops in Fuzhou (Foochow), popular stops on tourist
Author: LIN LIN and WANG WEIZHONG Year 1981 Issue 8 PDF HTML
3. Shoushan Stone Carving
A legend says that when Nu Wa, the creator of human beings in Chinese mythology, was on her way to repair a part of the sky that had collapsed, she stopped to take a nap in the Shoushan Mountains
Author: WANG WEIZHONG and LIN LIN Year 1984 Issue 1 PDF HTML
4. NPC & Western Parliaments: Similarities and Differences
PEOPLE'S congresses are the basis of China's political system. As a form of representation, they have similarities in role and function to parliaments of the West. Both are representative and
Author: LIN TAI & LIN BOHAI Year 2003 Issue 3 PDF HTML
AFTER the time of Genghis Khan, the Mongolian national hero, the Mongolian people suffered under the exploitation of their feudal princes, later supplemented by that of Chinese merchants and officials
Author: LIN CHUNG Year 1952 Issue 2 PDF HTML
6. A Day with Jihetan Women
I HAD KNOWN Hsijuei Choma a little while, but this was the first time I visited her home.[注释1] She came to fetch me, dressed in Tibetan national costume and riding on a sorrel horse. She was wearing
Author: LIN YI Year 1953 Issue 6 PDF HTML
7. The Nation's Busiest Port
A PART from those engaged in shipping, not many people abroad have heard of Tangku. Formerly it was just a shallow-draught port where only small ships of up to 3,000 tons could dock - unloading their
Author: LIN LI Year 1954 Issue 1 PDF HTML
IN CHINA TODAY, alongside the unprecedented spread of modern athletics, the traditional sports of the people are being revived. Among a tremendous variety of forms developed since ancient times, a
Author: LIN CHIEN Year 1954 Issue 2 PDF HTML
PEOPLE used to say about the farmers in Chaoan county, Kwangtung province: "They till their rice fields as carefully as women stitch the flowers in their embroidery."Now they have a new saying about
Author: LIN LI Year 1956 Issue 6 PDF HTML
10. Story Told at a Wedding
Weddings everywhere are a cause of joy and merry-making. In China now the ceremony is rather simple - but some colourful old customs have been retained. Close friends tell stories, true or purporting
Author: YU LIN Year 1956 Issue 12 PDF HTML