Current Location:English » 19693 » Strong Protest Against the Soviet Revisionists' Intrusion into China's Territory
Strong Protest Against the Soviet Revisionists' Intrusion into China's Territory
Year:1969 Issue:3
Column: OTHERS
Release Date:1969-03-01
Page: 0002ins2001,0002ins2002,0002ins3001,0002ins3002,0002ins3003,0002ins3004,0002ins3005,0002ins3006,0002ins3007,0002ins3008,0002ins3009,0002ins3010,0002ins3011,0002ins3012,0002ins3013,0002ins3014,0002ins3015,0002ins3016
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All reactionary forces on the verge of extinction invariably conduct desperate struggles. They are bound to resort to military adventure and political deception in all their forms in order to save...
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