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61. Stores and Salesmen in Peking
SALESMEN in socialist China do their best to serve the people in every way. Here are some examples.Going to the CustomersIn the southwest district of Peking, people often see a salesman or saleswoman
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 3 PDF HTML
62. Science in the Countryside
FIFTY-THREE year-old Chou Chuang-nu, leader of the Chouwu brigade in the Fucheng commune in Kwangtung province's Tungkuan county, put down his sickle and led me to a small granary. It was past
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 4 PDF HTML
63. A Chemical Plant Fights Pollution
WALKING between the shops of the Liaoyuan Chemical Plant in Shanghai, one is surprised to find the air fresh and clean, practically free of the acrid smells that usually characterize a chemical
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 6 PDF HTML
64. Textile Worker - Central Committee Member
AT the Ninth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party held in April 1969, Wang Hsiu-chen, a Shanghai textile worker, was elected a member of the Party Central Committee. She is also a
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 7 PDF HTML
IF Chairman Mao hadn't shown us the road of collectivization, where would we be today?"This is what Tsai Ah-shui of Chiaoli Village says when she recalls the changes in her village in the last two
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 8 PDF HTML
66. New Textbook Is Created from Life
HOW does a college go about reforming its teaching materials?To find out more about the process I visited the Hunan Medical College in Changsha, Hunan province.Located in the northern part of the
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 9 PDF HTML
67. A 2,100-year-old Tomb Excavated
A 2,100-year-old tomb dating from the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 24) was recently discovered on the eastern outskirts of Changsha, Hunan province, by Chinese archeologists and excavated with
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 9 PDF HTML
68. How Chiaoli Production Team Distributes Its Income
EARLIER this year we visited the Chiaoli production team[注释1] in east China's Chekiang province where we learned how it distributes its income.This team under the Bright Star brigade of the Chengkuan
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 9 PDF HTML
69. Co-op Medical Care in Sun Village
SOON after lunch people began coming to the health station in Sun village. A woman production team leader came in holding one hand over her ear. A young barefoot doctor examined her and said it was
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 11 PDF HTML
70. Onstage at the No. 4 Cotton Mill
THE auditorium of the No. 4 State Cotton Mill in Tientsin is filled to capacity. As the curtain rises nine women dressed as weavers dance onto the stage, singing. It is the "Weavers' Dance", and the
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1972 Issue 11 PDF HTML