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11. Wealth for Mountain Dwellers
FOR THOSE who must get a living from the soil, life in mountain areas is always hard. In China, two-thirds of the land is mountainous. The peasants who have had to scratch a living there have always
Author: SUNG CHING-LUNG Year 1958 Issue 7 PDF HTML
12. Reform of Farm Implements - First Step to Mechanization
MECHANIZATION and electrification are the basic way to change the inherited backwardness of our agriculture. The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung have issued
Author: SUNG WEI-CHING Year 1960 Issue 12 PDF HTML
13. A Traditional Medicine Shop
THE GILT CHARACTERS on the signboard outside the Peking retail shop of our Tung Jen Tang Chinese traditional medicine firm read "7th Year of the Reign of Kang Hsi", which means that we have been in
Author: YUEH SUNG-SHENG Year 1962 Issue 3 PDF HTML
14. from SERFS to ACTORS
THE Tang dynasty Princess Wen Cheng, standing regally behind a curtain of beads, puts one question after another to Lontongtsan, the wise envoy who has come to ask for her hand in marriage to the
Author: SUNG HSI-TING Year 1962 Issue 11 PDF HTML
15. Directions of Agricultural Research
AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS in China are playing an important role in the further consolidation of the rural people's communes and the development and modernization of agricultural production. Their
Author: TAI SUNG-EN Year 1964 Issue 4 PDF HTML
16. The Magic of the Scissors
Colourful paper cut-outs pasted on windows, doors and walls are a traditional decoration in Chinese rural homes to mark festivals, weddings, birthdays and other joyful events. Transparent against the
Author: LI TSUN-SUNG Year 1964 Issue 8 PDF HTML
Reservoirs and ponds in China's mountains and hills mirror the sky today. Linked by canals and ditches, they are parts of new irrigation systems bringing water to ever-greater areas of farm land. For
Author: SU TSUNG-SUNG Year 1964 Issue 11 PDF HTML
18. In Capital Construction: A Revolution in Designing
WHAT kind of designs are needed for China's capital construction? What must designers do to produce good work? Since the winter of 1964, designers all over the country have publicly discussed these
Author: SUNG YANG-CHU Year 1965 Issue 7 PDF HTML
19. Mass Efforts to Extend Improved Seed
IN 1965 improved varieties of seed were sown on over 50 per cent of China's cultivated land growing rice, wheat, maize, kaoliang, millet and soya beans. This was much more than the area sown with
Author: TAI SUNG-EN Year 1966 Issue 4 PDF HTML
20. Factors Behind Price Stability
A VISITOR from abroad, strolling round the stores in Peking, will be struck by three things. First, all prices are clearly marked. There is no bargaining. Second, the price of any item is the same
Author: SUNG KUANG-WEI Year 1966 Issue 7 PDF HTML