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111. Li Chun-kuang and His Big-Character Poster
ON July 25, 1975, Chairman Mao criticized the "gang of four" for banning the feature film Pioneers about the Taching oil field workers. "There is no big error in this film," he wrote. "Suggest that
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 6 PDF HTML
112. Tu-an's Stony Mountains Bow to the Tachai Spirit
ENTERING the Tu-an Yao Autonomous County, visitors are impressed by high mountain ranges with many weirdly shaped rocks. Layer upon layer of terraced fields wind like ribbons around the
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 6 PDF HTML
113. One of China's Smallest National Minorities
THE OLUNCHUNS live in the far northeast. They have tripled their number since liberation, when they were only 1,300. "Olunchun" means "mountain people". Pushed back into the virgin forests of the
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 7 PDF HTML
114. Hangchow Factory Sabotaged by the 'Gang of Four'
The continued exposure and criticism of the Wang-Chang-Chiang-Yao gang of four is deepening throughout China. Irrefutable evidence proves that, far from being "Leftists" and "radicals" as they claimed
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 7 PDF HTML
115. The Railroads - From Disorder to Order
NINETEEN seventy-seven will be a year in which we shall go toward great order after smashing the 'gang of four', a year of united struggle and triumphant advance."China's railroad workers have
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 8 PDF HTML
THE RAIN had been falling all day on the central China plain and showed no sign of letting up as night fell. A PLA infantry-company, having marched all day in field training, halted outside a
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 8 PDF HTML
117. Chairman Mao Memorial Hall Building Completed
THE MEMORIAL HALL for Chairman Mao Tsetung stands at the southern part of Tien An Men Square in the heart of Peking, with the Monument to the People's Heroes on its north, and on its south Chien Men,
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 9 PDF HTML
118. Getting Oil at High Speed
MY EXCITEMENT grew as the Peking-Tsitsihar express crossed the northeast plains, bringing me closer to Taching, the oil field that 15 years ago ended China's dependence on oil from abroad. Today the
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 9 PDF HTML
119. Worker-Peasant Villages
WANG TEH-FU didn't go straight home after the meeting honoring advanced units and individuals. He headed for the management committee of the worker-peasant village he lived in. He had a lot to say to
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 9 PDF HTML
120. With the Earthquake Orphans
THOUSANDS of children were orphaned in the earthquake that struck the Tangshan prefecture east of Peking on July 28 last year. They are being cared for in three schools set up specially for them in
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1977 Issue 9 PDF HTML