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Your search : [ author:the Red Rebel Headquarters of the Kuanghua Woodworking Factory, Peking] Total 10 Search Results,Processed in 0.082 second(s)
1. After We Seized Power
ANSWERING Chairman Mao's great call to learn from the proletarian revolutionaries of Shanghai, we proletarian revolutionaries - Red Rebels - of the Kuanghua Woodworking Factory followed their example
Author: the Red Rebel Headquarters of the Kuanghua Woodworking Factory, Peking Year 1967 Issue 4 PDF HTML
2. How We Achieved Unity Against the Enemy
LAST June 5, when we held our fourth ceremony to welcome new members, 319 new comrades joined our Red Rebel Column, one of the fighting groups formed in the plant during the great proletarian
Author: the 'Red Rebel Column' of the North China Structural Metals Plant Year 1967 Issue 10 PDF HTML
3. Rebirth of a Shanghai Newspaper
TN the early morning of January it was announced over the Shanghai radio that in the Wenhui Bao newspaper, a proletarian revolutionary group named "A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire" had taken
Author: "A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire" Revolutionary Rebel Headquarters in the Wenhui Bao Year 1967 Issue 4 PDF HTML
4. How the "Red Guards' Battle Song" Was Born
We are Chairman Mao's Red Guards,We steel our red hearts in great winds and waves.We arm ourselves with Mao Tse-tung's thoughtTo sweep away all pests.LISTEN! The dynamic melody and rhythm of the "Red
Author: Red Guards of the Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music Year 1968 Issue 3 PDF HTML
CHINA in the present era is the focal point of contradictions in the world, the storm centre of the world revolution.Whither China? Will it take the socialist road or the capitalist road? This is not
Author: by the Editorial Departments of Hongqi (Red Flag) and Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) Year 1967 Issue 11 PDF HTML
TEN YEARS AGO, the May 16 Circular of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was drawn up under the personal guidance of our great leader Chairman Mao. This brilliant Marxist document
Author: the Editorial Departments of the People's Daily, Red Flag magazine and Liberation Army Daily Year 1976 Issue 7 PDF HTML
7. Breaking Trails in the Revolution in Education
WE are several teachers who have been teaching mathematics, physics and chemistry for ten years or more. But it was not until after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution began that we really
Author: the Educational Revolution Group of the Peking No. 31 Middle School Year 1970 Issue 11 PDF HTML
8. Why Lin Piao Advocated Confucius' Program of 'Self-Restraint and Return to the Rites'
IN 1969, when great victories had been won in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in our country, the Communist Party of China held its Ninth National Congress. There Chairman Mao issued the
Author: Mass Criticism Group of Tsinghua and Peking Universities Year 1974 Issue 5 PDF HTML
9. The Students Fight for Chairman Mao's Revolutionary Line
The Four Seas are rising, clouds and waters raging,The Five Continents are rocking, wind and thunder roaring.THE surging waves of the great proletarian cultural revolution are rolling on with
Author: by the 'Eleven-member Group' of the Chingkang Mountain Regiment of Tsinghua University, Peking Year 1967 Issue 7 PDF HTML
GUIDED by the great red banner of Mao Tsetung Thought, the modern revolutionary Peking Opera Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy has been revised and polished to reach a greater degree of perfection.
Author: the Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy Group of the Peking Opera Troupe of Shanghai Year 1970 Issue 2 PDF HTML