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1. Concerts Honor Two Pioneer Composers
CHINA'S two pioneer modern com-posers, Nieh Erh and Hsien Hsing-hai, were honored on the 40th anniversary of the death of the former and 30th anniversary of that of the latter by a series of concerts
Author: YIN YEN Year 1976 Issue 2 PDF HTML
THE BIGGEST popular movement that has so far taken place in 1953 was a tremendous educational campaign to publicize the Marriage Law and to enforce it. The movement was initiated by the Central People
Author: FANG YEN Year 1953 Issue 5 PDF HTML
LU HSUN ...was not only a great man of letters, but also a great thinker and a great revolutionary . . . an unprecedented hero on the cultural front, the most correct, the bravest, the firmest, most
Author: HSIA YEN Year 1956 Issue 10 PDF HTML
4. A Tale of Two Co-ops
ASK ANY FARMER in Shuang-cheng county, Heilungkiang province, as he watches his cooperative's fields of corn, wheat and kaoliang shimmering and browning in the sun, "What were the biggest things to
Author: CHANG YEN Year 1957 Issue 9 PDF HTML
5. What Are They Like?
IN the past few years I have made friends with a great number of children in many parts of the country. Some live in villages, some in cities; they have all kinds of backgrounds. But since a child is
Author: CHENG YEN Year 1959 Issue 6 PDF HTML
6. 'Dragonfly Girl' of Changchiatze Neighbourhood
CHU CHIN is still quite a young woman, but because she used to go about with such a sad, forbidding expression and seldom smiled or spoke, her neighbours nicknamed her "Ancestral Tablet" (or as other
Author: CHENG YEN Year 1960 Issue 9 PDF HTML
ON THE EVENING of April 9 the Peking Workers' Gymnasium rang with almost continuous cheers from the 15,000 spectators through two fieroely-fought table-tennis contests, played simultaneously. It was
Author: YEN CHIU Year 1961 Issue 5 PDF HTML
8. A Model Cotton Farmer
LAST YEAR in early July, some of the' cotton plants at the Chengkuan People's Commune in Yicheng county, Shansi province, suddenly began to wilt. The leaves became yellow and the woody tissue inside
Author: YEN LING Year 1962 Issue 8 PDF HTML
9. Everybody's Opinion Wanted
FIELDS of thickly planted sesame, stems laden with dark-green pods and topped by small white flowers in full bloom, lined the road to Chinghanchuang village in southern Hopei province. On a wide
Author: CHANG YEN Year 1962 Issue 12 PDF HTML
IN THE SPRING of 1953 a middle-aged man wearing a straw hat and straw sandals and carrying a small wooden box arrived at the Leng Yueh-ying mutual-aid team in Tayi county, in southwest China's
Author: CHANG YEN Year 1963 Issue 8 PDF HTML