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1. The Soldiers and the Hen
IT was the Spring Festival. The PLA company helping the villagers build a reservoir were going to celebrate with a fine dinner. Everyone in their quarters on the edge of the village was busy getting
Author: YEH WEN-YI Year 1978 Issue 12 PDF HTML
2. The Arts Liberated
THE 35th anniversary of the publication of Chairman Mao Tsetung's Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art in May became the occasion for a joyous outpouring by people in the cultural field,
Author: WEN YI Year 1977 Issue 9 PDF HTML
3. Colorful Folk Dance
CHINESE folk art has a long history and is beautiful, colorful and charming. At the sixth Asian Folk Arts Festival in Yunnan Province, five Chinese folk dances were presented, illustrating the
Author: WEN YI Year 1998 Issue 10 PDF HTML
4. The Tais Forge Ahead
COMING into the Hsishuangpanna Tai Autonomous Region of the Tai nationality, located in southern Yunnan province, one is immediately aware of the changed scene. The mountains are greener, more
Author: WEN YI-WEN Year 1959 Issue 4 PDF HTML
5. Harbin's Industry Helps the Farm
ON the vast and fertile plains of Heilungkiang province in Northeast China are grown a sizable proportion of the country's wheat, soya beans, kaoliang and maize. But in the past industries serving
Author: HAN WEN-YI and WANG TIEN-YIN Year 1961 Issue 10 PDF HTML
WITHOUT a strong machine-building industry, no people can be the master of its own economic future. That China had virtually no such industry in the past, that every factory was dependent on imports
Author: YEH CHOU Year 1954 Issue 1 PDF HTML
EVERYONE knows Shanghai; half the nation's private industry and business were once concentrated here. On January 20, Shanghai followed Peking in the voluntary transfer of all capitalist factories and
Author: YEH CHOU Year 1956 Issue 4 PDF HTML
8. Second Five-Year Plan - and Beyond
DRAWING CONFIDENCE from the pre-schedule fulfilment of most targets of the First Five-Year Plan, the Chinese Communist Party, at its Eighth Congress last autumn, proposed bold goal for the second.
Author: YEH CHOU Year 1957 Issue 1 PDF HTML
9. A Commune on the Far West Border
AS I walked along the highway that follows the valley of the Kashgar River in the westernmost tip of China, I recalled how this was one of the few passes through the Pamirs on the border of China and
Author: PI YEH Year 1960 Issue 12 PDF HTML
10. The Man Who Tames Mountains
AS I crossed the mountains of northwestern Hupeh province, I feasted my eyes upon the fiery red of ripening persimmons that decked the slopes. Rimming the foot of the ranges were forests of tung and
Author: PI YEH Year 1961 Issue 3 PDF HTML