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1. Struggle over Earthquake Work
THE EARTHQUAKE which hit the Tangshan area 150 kilometers east of Peking on July 28 last year caused tremendous losses of life and property. Around the question of prediction and relief, the Party
Author: TSENG KAO Year 1977 Issue 0203 PDF HTML
2. This is What We Dreamed Of
(A letter to China Reconstructs)I AM the headmaster of a school run by the overseas Chinese in Semarang, Indonesia. Reading of the new things happening in the homeland, I feel that I must write you
Author: KAO TSENG-TUN Year 1956 Issue 3 PDF HTML
3. A Herdsmen's Commune
There are more than 2,700,000 people of Tibetan nationality in our country. Of them, 1,200,000 live in Tibet itself. The remainder are scattered throughout the provinces of Szechuan, Chinghai, Kansu
Author: WU TSENG Year 1959 Issue 8 PDF HTML
4. Ancient Cliff Paintings of the Chuang People
ON the fertile banks of the beautiful Ming and Tso rivers in southwestern Kwangsi, the ancestors of the present Chuang people once settled and built a culture. A legacy still existing today are the
Author: TSENG CHENG Year 1965 Issue 5 PDF HTML
5. An Ancient Form of Physical Culture
ANY early morning, in the parks of Peking and other cities in China, one can see old or middle-aged men going through a series of gymnastic movements - sometimes flowing and dance - like, sometimes
Author: TSENG WEI-CHI Year 1955 Issue 8 PDF HTML
6. Some Wild Animals of China
CHINA has more wild mammals than any other country. Her huge territory spreads over parts of two of the world's great faunal regions. The southern and southwestern provinces have animals like those
Author: TSENG HWANG SHAW Year 1958 Issue 2 PDF HTML
"The world is yours as well as ours, but in the long run it is yours. You young people, full of vigour and vitality, are in the prime of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. Our hopes
Author: LIANG TSENG-SHOU Year 1959 Issue 7 PDF HTML
8. Built with Soviet Aid - the Lanchow Oil Refinery
ON the western outskirts of Lanchow in Kansu province a glittering silver city has risen. Hundreds of oil tanks and dozens of distillation towers range one upon another for more than two kilometres
Author: TSENG LING-LIN Year 1959 Issue 11 PDF HTML
ONE COOK or helper in the kitchen where I work at the No. 1 Machine Tool Plant used to be able to serve 43 diners. But now, though several thousand people, nearly twice as many as before, are eating
Author: KO FU-TSENG Year 1960 Issue 8 PDF HTML
10. On the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River
ALTHOUGH the sun shone brightly, it was very cold on the grasslands. Small herds of wild goats drank from the stream or grazed at its edge. On the hillsides from the sophora and tamarisk trees came
Author: WANG WU-TSENG Year 1961 Issue 8 PDF HTML