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1. Jen Kuo-tung and the Bumper Crop County
CHAOYUAN county is in Heilungkiang, most northern of China's provinces. Everyone in China knows its name because its 1952 harvest surpassed that of the year before by almost 100 per cent - and the
Author: TIEN LIU Year 1953 Issue 6 PDF HTML
2. A Village of Active People
IN AUGUST 1960, the Com-munist Party's call to speed up the development of agriculture with special emphasis on grain production reached the hill villages of the Tayou People's Commune in Shansi
Author: TIEN LIU Year 1961 Issue 1 PDF HTML
3. Farmer Wu and His Girl Trainees
THE EXPERIMENTAL PLOT of cotton west of Suyang village in north China's Shansi province always attracted the attention of local farmers and passers-by. Towards the end of spring when in adjacent
Author: TIEN LIU Year 1963 Issue 11 PDF HTML
THE Panchin district in Liaoning province lies on the shore of the Pohai Sea. It consists of flatland left by the sea.Before liberation, the imperialists, bureaucrat capitalists and feudal forces
Author: LIU SHENG-TIEN Year 1971 Issue 1 PDF HTML
5. The Hsingan Hunters Leap Forward
THE Lesser Hsingan Mountains, running southeast through Heilungkiang province which borders the Soviet Union, are some of China's richest hunting grounds. In the thick forests of pine, birch and
Author: LIN YUNG-TIEN and LIU HSIEN-HIS Year 1959 Issue 6 PDF HTML
6. The Sleeping Earth Awakens
YOU can knock down a roebuck with a stick and catch fish with a ladle, and the pheasants fly right into your pot." That's the way the peasants used to describe the richness of the huge prairie, with
Author: TIEN TIEN Year 1960 Issue 11 PDF HTML
EARLY this year I visited the Hsishuangpanna Tai Autonomous Chou on the southernmost border of Yunnan province. Although in Peking snowflakes were already whirling, in subtropical Hsishuangpanna the
Author: TIEN TIEN Year 1962 Issue 7 PDF HTML
9. Life Begins At 62
FOR a man of my years, there can be no greater blessing than to recapture youth. I am 66 and a railway construction engineer. Up to the liberation, in 1949, my whole working life was a series of
Author: LAN TIEN Year 1953 Issue 6 PDF HTML
10. Better Books for Children
"IT'S more difficult to writebooks for children than for grown-ups, but it is far more rewarding."These words of Chang Tien-yi, author of a great number of children's books, typify the attitude of
Author: TIEN TAO Year 1955 Issue 2 PDF HTML