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1. Agriculture - Foundation of the National Economy
AGRICULTURE is the foundation of China's economy, while industry is the dominant factor. This has recently been concretely restated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and
Author: TAN HSI Year 1961 Issue 2 PDF HTML
2. THE 12-YEAR PROGRAMME- Blueprint for China's Modern Agriculture
A FTER FOUR YEARS of practi- cal testing and amendment, the 12-year National Programme for Agricultural Development (1956-1967) was finally adopted by the National People's Congress in April this year
Author: TAN HSI-YAO Year 1960 Issue 8 PDF HTML
3. New Films for Children
THREE new puppet films and two animated cartoons, all in colour, have recently been released by the Shanghai Film Studio. Two of them have been entered for the Ninth International Film Festival at
Author: CHIN HSI Year 1956 Issue 6 PDF HTML
AN OUTSTANDING PAGE in the history of the Chinese la-labour movement is the strike of the Peking-Hankow railway workers in February 1923. It marks the climax of a great wave of industrial struggle
Author: HSI WU Year 1957 Issue 5 PDF HTML
5. The Man Who Cures Snake Bites
LYING in the Airforce Hospital in Wuhan, Lieutenant Chu Pao-hsiang was on the "critical list". Four days earlier his foot had been bitten by a poisonous snake (Tri-meresurus gramineus), locally known
Author: HSI CHIA Year 1961 Issue 6 PDF HTML
6. Young Cadre Carries on Revolutionary Tradition
BEFORE the cultural revolution I was a carpenter at Sian's No. 1 Construction Company. In May 1973 I was elected a member of the standing committee of the Sian Federation of Trade Unions. Two months
Author: CHU HSI-AN Year 1974 Issue 7 PDF HTML
FIGHTERS ON THE BORDERS is the title of one of the excellent documentary films produced in new China. The film deals with the work of the People's Liberation Army in the reconstruction of the
Author: PU HSI-HSIU Year 1952 Issue 3 PDF HTML
THE PEACE CONFERENCE of the Asian and Pacific Regions was called together to seek ways of ending the Korean and other existing armed conflicts in the Far East, while pointing out the source of all
Author: CHANG HSI-JO Year 1952 Issue 6 PDF HTML
WHERE is the money coming from for China's 1953 budget, and for what purposes are the funds being spent?The answers are given in the budgetary figures for this year approved by the Central People's
Author: WU CHENG-HSI Year 1953 Issue 3 PDF HTML
Young workers in Chinese industry come mainly from the villages. Older workers are often burdened with habits outmoded by present-day technique. This makes for difficulties. But old and young know
Author: PAI HSI-YEN Year 1955 Issue 7 PDF HTML