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WE were deep in the Liangshan Mountains in China's southwesterly province of Szechuan, in an exhibition hall at Chaochueh, seat of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Chou. The objects, photographs, charts
Author: Staff Correspondents Year 1972 Issue 12 PDF HTML
2. No Miracle Is Impossible
THE Chianghan plain lies between the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the lower reaches of the Han River in central Hupeh province. Crisscrossed with waterways and studded with lakes, its
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1970 Issue 10 PDF HTML
3. A Grass-hut School
WE were on our way to visit a middle school run by a modern hydro-electric plant in the rolling mountains of southern Kiangsi province. From the plant to the school was a five-kilometer walk.Going
Author: Kwangming Daily Correspondents Year 1971 Issue 2 PDF HTML
4. Domingos, Immortal African Fighter
DOMlNGOS. Wherever we go among the people and the patriotic armed forces of Guinea (Bissau) we hear the name of Domingos Ramos, a national hero. In one of the liberated areas in the southern part of
Author: Correspondents of Hsinhua News Agency Year 1972 Issue 1 PDF HTML
LAST January we left southern Sinkiang for Ari, at the western tip of the immense Chinghai-Tibet Plateau. Travelling by truck we wound along the Sinkiang-Tibet Highway between cliffs and snowcapped
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1972 Issue 12 PDF HTML
6. Silted Land Transformed
PASSING THROUGH the great expanse of South Tungting Lake, our steamboat made its way among islands created by silt which the Yangtze River had brought in. Some were sandy and supported only willows.
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1973 Issue 10 PDF HTML
7. Making Every Inch of Water and Land Useful
WE knew the story of the Ssumei brigade in Nanhsien county on the To River before we arrived there. In 1954 the Yangtze had risen in a big flood, collapsed the dyke and made a sea of what is now the
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1973 Issue 10 PDF HTML
8. Graduates from Three-year Medical School
IN "After the Period of Schooling Was Shortened" in our November 1971 issue, we reported on the first group of worker-peasant-soldier students at the Shenyang Medical College where the previous
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1975 Issue 2 PDF HTML
9. Shanghai and the 'Gang of Four'
The anti-Party clique of Wang Hung-wen, Chang Chun-chiao, Chiang Ching and Yao Wen-yuan spent years extending and consolidating their control over Shanghai, China's biggest industrial city with a
Author: China Reconstructs Correspondents Year 1977 Issue 11 PDF HTML
10. The Lowly Are Most Intelligent!
THE lowly are most intelligent; the elite are most ignorant."This was the honour citation given by Chairman Mao in 1958 to the May 18 Tractor Parts Plant situated in Tantung near the Yaluchiang River
Author: Staff Reporter Year 1969 Issue 4 PDF HTML