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1. Record of a Fighting Life - Exhibition on Zhou Enlai
AN EXHIBITION on the life and work of the late Premier Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai) is now on display in the Museum of the Chinese Revolution on the eastern side of Tian An Men Square. Taking up two big
Author: SU DONGHAI Year 1979 Issue 3 PDF HTML
2. Record of a Fighting Life
VISITORS to the exhibition on Zhou Enlai's (Chou En-lai's) life now on display in the Museum of the Chinese Revolution are greeted by a huge oil painting as they enter the section on the socialist
Author: SU DONGHAI Year 1979 Issue 4 PDF HTML
3. Studying a Great Man: Zhou Enlai's Legacy to China
WHEN ZHOU ENLAI died 15 years ago, China lost one of its greatest contemporary leaders. As one of the most illustrious leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the People's Liberation Army
Author: SU DONGHAI Year 1991 Issue 1 PDF HTML
4. Su-su Becomes a Teacher
Dear Friends,Every evening after supper I spend a few minutes with our neighbour, Mrs. Li. I am teaching her how to read. She could not learn when she was young because there was no school in her
Author: Su-su Year 1958 Issue 11 PDF HTML
5. Kicking the Shuttlecock
Dear Friends,Have you ever heard of the game "kicking the shuttlecock"? Our shuttlecocks are made with a heavy coin or a piece of round metal and some feathers. You throw it up and when it falls you
Author: Su-su Year 1962 Issue 1 PDF HTML
6. New Rhymes for Games
Dear Friends,When we jump rope or bounce the ball together in our school, we like to sing rhymes to go with our games. But we get tired of singing the same old words over and over again. One day
Author: Su-su Year 1965 Issue 3 PDF HTML
7. Nanking Makes Its Own Consumers' Goods
WHEN Nanking was the centre of the Kuomintang reactionary regime, with a population of 1,000,000, industrially it could boast of only two cotton mills whose spindles totalled 3,000. What little other
Author: SU HSIN Year 1961 Issue 3 PDF HTML
8. Artists in a Village
FOR eight months from the winter of 1964 to the summer of 1965, seven artists of whom I was one worked in the Shih-chiayeh Chuang production brigade in the northern part of Shansi. We stayed in the
Author: SU KUANG Year 1966 Issue 6 PDF HTML
9. Kiangsu Province Moves Ahead
IN April 1949, one million men of the Chinese People's Liberation Army under Chairman Mao crossed the Yangtze River and occupied Nanking, capital of the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek government. Five
Author: SU WEN Year 1973 Issue 7 PDF HTML
CROSSING the Yangtze bridge at Nanking, the train sped into the water country of southern Kiangsu province. Stretches of golden rape flowers, lush green rice beds and full-sailed junks on canals and
Author: SU HSUAN Year 1973 Issue 11 PDF HTML