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Your search : [ author:SA KUNG-LIAO] Total 6 Search Results,Processed in 0.078 second(s)
1. China's Korean Minority
ON September 3, 1952, just over a year ago, I had the unforgettable experience of witnessing the setting-up of the Korean Autonomous Region of China's Northeast. The region is located in the Yenpien
Author: SA KUNG-LIAO Year 1953 Issue 6 PDF HTML
IN the spring of 1954, two historic events brought happiness to the Inner Mongolian grass-lands. People talked more of them than of the lambing, the usual main topic of conversation at this season.
Author: SA KUNG-LIAO Year 1954 Issue 4 PDF HTML
THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY of China's first autonomous region - Inner Mongolia - is being celebrated this month with a great festival of rejoicing. Formed on May 1, 1947, more than two years before the
Author: SA KUNG-LIAO Year 1957 Issue 5 PDF HTML
4. Lin Qiaozhi: China's Beloved Baby Doctor
THE news that Dr. Lin Qiaozhi had been hospitalized came as a shock to many people.The 81-year-old Lin is China's best-known obstetrician/gynecologist; the first children she brought into the world
Author: SA YUN Year 1982 Issue 1 PDF HTML
5. Veteran Doctor's Fight Against TB
PEOPLE who ride a certain Beijing bus every morning are used to seeing a short, plainly dressed man whose brisk movements belie his 77 years. Few of them know that this is one of China's most
Author: SA YUN Year 1982 Issue 7 PDF HTML
6. Microsurgery in a Village
ANEW BUILDING is going up in the little town of Hancheng in Henan province - the Microsurgery Research Institute. A sophisticated institute in such a small out-of-the-way place? The answer has to do
Author: SA YUN and WU JIAN Year 1986 Issue 6 PDF HTML