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1. China Exports More Machinery
NOT LONG ago a small hydro-power station went into operation in the state of California in the U.S - using a set of generating equipment made in China. According to the project contractor,
Author: PAN MOLIN Year 1982 Issue 10 PDF HTML
VISITORS to the National Folk Arts Exhibition in Peking last winter were greatly impressed by a series of coloured statuettes, the work of an old Tientsin family of clay sculptors - the Changs. Four
Author: PAN YUEH Year 1955 Issue 1 PDF HTML
3. A School That Leads the Way
I OPENED the door of the classroom to find a group of boys and girls gathered round the blackboard. They looked up, and smiled a welcome. Four big characters written up on the board caught my eye:
Author: PAN YUEH Year 1955 Issue 6 PDF HTML
4. A Young Peasant Poet
ONE morning not long ago the postman cycled into Tungkuanchun, a village in Hopei province, and began to deliver the mail. Several people came out of their houses to see if there were any letters for
Author: PAN YUEH Year 1956 Issue 3 PDF HTML
5. Meeting New Needs In Education
THE MOST urgent task of Chinese education is to provide qualified technical personnel for the building of a modern industry. During the First Five-Year Plan, a million trained men and women are being
Author: PAN YUEH Year 1956 Issue 4 PDF HTML
6. Ending the Scourge of Schistosomiasis
In the Chinghsi (Blue River) fat perches swim.Along its banks rice-flowers bloom.This is what the peasants of Chingpu county on the banks of the Tayingkiang River in southern Kiangsu province once
Author: PAN YUEH Year 1957 Issue 8 PDF HTML
7. Advanced New Computer
IN China today computers are finding their way into shops, stores, chicken farms and school classrooms. Computer training classes and computer service companies are springing up. In larger cities
Author: PAN YUNFANG Year 1984 Issue 7 PDF HTML
8. Electricity for the Northeast
THE NORTHEAST - the three provinces above the eastern end of the Great Wall - is an important industrial area and occupies a decisive position in China's economy.To power the region's Daqing
Author: PAN XINYUE Year 1985 Issue 6 PDF HTML
9. When the Elderly Remarry
IN CHINA there are over 90 million elderly people, most of whom rely on their families to look after them. A happy family and a stable marriage are very important at this stage of their lives both
Author: PAN MU Year 1990 Issue 5 PDF HTML
10. The Cause Started by Soong Ching Ling Still Continues
A visit to the Soong Ching Ling Scholarship Headquarters.THE SOONG Ching Ling Scholarship, just established by the State Education Commission and the China Welfare Institute, is the most lucrative
Author: PAN YUQING Year 1995 Issue 7 PDF HTML