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Your search : [ author:MA HAI-TEH (Dr. George Hatem)] Total 97 Search Results,Processed in 0.074 second(s)
1. A Tribute
THIRTY-SIX years ago Edgar Snow and I went into what was then the unknown land of Communist China. What we saw and heard Ed has written and ably interpreted time and again, committedly and with great
Author: MA HAI-TEH (Dr. George Hatem) Year 1972 Issue 6 PDF HTML
2. A Contrast in Equality U.S. Negroes and China's Minorities
AS A DOCTOR, for the past dozen years I have been living and working among the different minority nationalities in China - Mongolians in the extreme north to Lis in tropical Hainan Island, travelling
Author: MA HAI-TEH (GEORGE HATEM) Year 1963 Issue 10 PDF HTML
3. On the Sinkiang Road
TWELVE of us - ten doctors, a nurse and a laboratory technician - left Peking by rail on the first stage of a 2,800-mile journey. We were going to the far grasslands in the Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1957 Issue 2 PDF HTML
4. Clinic for the Kazakhs
WE set up our first grassland clinic near the banks of a stream called Beloksu ("Fish Creek"). Around us were the rolling plains of northwestern Sinkiang, with a backdrop of snow-covered mountains,
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1957 Issue 3 PDF HTML
5. Health for the Ahsi People
LAST YEAR our medical team made a survey of the health position among the Kazakh people of the northwest, near the Soviet border. This time, we went to the far southwest, into the mountains of Yunnan
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1957 Issue 12 PDF HTML
6. Dr. M. Atal - Helper and Friend
I FIRST met Dr. Menhanlal Atal twenty years ago when, after a tough journey of several days in an open truck in freezing weather along the rough, dusty and dangerous roads of Shensi province, he
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1958 Issue 2 PDF HTML
OUR FOURTEEN-MAN TEAM, doing one of its annual medical investigation and training visits to areas inhabited by China's national minorities, had the good fortune to find itself this year among the
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1958 Issue 12 PDF HTML
8. Wiping Out Disease by Mass Action
A VIVID EXAMPLE of the "miracles"' that can be performed when mass participation is used as the method of work was given in experimental disease-control recently carried out in southern Kiangsi
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1959 Issue 8 PDF HTML
9. Health, Communes and Cotton in Hai-an
HAI-AN COUNTY was in the midst of a great production year when our medical survey team made its third visit in six years. This coastal county of Kiangsu province was a guerrilla base during the
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1965 Issue 3 PDF HTML
10. A Century in a Decade - Inner Mongolia Revisited
I HAVE just finished a two-months' trip by jeep, cart and on horseback on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, checking the long-term results of medical work we did there ten years ago with special
Author: MA HAI-TEH Year 1965 Issue 9 PDF HTML