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1. Where Emperors' Legions Marched
EVERYBODY knows about the Great Wall, but few know that at almost the same time another huge project was in process - a 700-kilometer (470 mile) highway leading to it and beyond. It was built between
Author: JIN ZHILIN Year 1985 Issue 8 PDF HTML
2. Vignettes of a Pacific Survey
EARLY this year China participated in a worldwide atmospheric test sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to which 149 countries contributed their efforts. It was the first such
Author: WU JIN Year 1979 Issue 12 PDF HTML
3. Huge Yanzhou Coal Base in Shandong
ONE OF THE largest coal reserves in the world has been mapped out in southwestern Shandong province on the east China plain. Small amounts of coal had been known here for centuries, but new fields
Author: JIN RUOWEN Year 1980 Issue 2 PDF HTML
4. Young People Tell Personal Plans
WHAT is your personal plan for the next ten years?" was the question put to young workers at the Shanghai Shipyard this spring.The shipyard has 3,000 young people. Of the 292 approached - including 3
Author: JIN GONG Year 1980 Issue 9 PDF HTML
5. The Greater Encyclopedia of China
THE first of the projected 60 to 70 volumes of The Greater Encyclopedia of China has recently been published. Scheduled for completion in ten years, the massive new work is organized by subject matter
Author: JIN CHANGZHENG Year 1981 Issue 8 PDF HTML
6. Husband-and-Wife Design Team
TWO of Shanghai's most outstanding textile designers are Wu Zhenzi and Zhou Qin, who have been husband and wife for many years and who also happen to be deaf-mutes. Wu, 45, works for Shanghai's
Author: JIN PEIYUAN Year 1981 Issue 12 PDF HTML
7. A Plant That Bites
BACK in 1916, the troops of a northern warlord were dispatched to the south to fight. They burned, killed and looted wherever they went. In one place they found that a kind of plant which blocked
Author: LIU JIN Year 1982 Issue 4 PDF HTML
8. Qindao-Liebherr Enters World Market
THE Qingdao General Refrigerator Factory is today celebrating its first major international success. Once on the verge of bankruptcy, the company has recently won a contract to supply Qindao-Liebherr
Author: JIN CHI Year 1988 Issue 1 PDF HTML
9. Dating in Senior Middle School
AFTER I became a senior middle school student, I felt just the same as always, but gradually I began to rebel against the clothes that Mom and Dad chose for me. I realized that I had become an
Author: JIN HUA Year 1988 Issue 9 PDF HTML
10. China and Human Rights
- On the 40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsONE OF THE purposes of the United Nations, as stated in its charter, is to promote "universal respect for, and observance of,
Author: SHAO JIN Year 1989 Issue 1 PDF HTML