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Your search : [ author:HE SHUHUAI and XUE CHENGYUAN] Total 94 Search Results,Processed in 0.086 second(s)
1. Acupuncture for the Middle-aged and Elderly
AS WE age, our immune systems become less efficient and we become subject to an ever-increasing number of acute and chronic complaints. Close attention to diet and regular physical exercise can help
Author: HE SHUHUAI and XUE CHENGYUAN Year 1989 Issue 9 PDF HTML
2. Acupuncture for Stress-Related Complaints
DURING YOUTH and middle age most of us are at the peak of our physical and mental fitness - we feel full of energy and ready to tackle anything. For some, however, the stresses of modern life -
Author: HE SHUHUAI and ZHANG HONGLIN Year 1989 Issue 6 PDF HTML
3. Weight Control Through Acupuncture
IN MEDICAL terms, those who weigh 20 percent more than the standard for their height are considered obese (For men, standard weight in kilograms means one's height in centimeters minus 105; for
Author: HE SHUHUAI & LI XIAOFANG Year 1989 Issue 12 PDF HTML
4. Acupuncture for Infants
WHEN a child is first born, its internal organs are relatively immature and it is particularly susceptible to infection. Doctors experienced in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believe that a
Author: HE SHUHUAI and ZHANG HONG LIN Year 1989 Issue 4 PDF HTML
5. Folk Art From Dough
FOR HUNDREDS of years Chinese craftsmen have modeled figurines out of colored dough of glutinous rice and flour.In ancient times, simple figures of animals - such as oxen and sheep - were made as
Author: HE LU and XUE GONG Year 1987 Issue 4 PDF HTML
6. China's Bronze Age Exhibition in the U.S.
AN EXHIBITION of artifacts from China's great bronze age opened in mid-April in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is to go on to Chicago, Boston, Fort Worth and Los Angeles, spending a
Author: MA CHENGYUAN Year 1980 Issue 5 PDF HTML
7. China's Modernization: Some Current Problems
SINCE the decision to shift China's focus to socialist modernization, foreign visitors have noted some economic and technical problems involved and wondered whether we will be able to cope. When I
Author: XUE BAODING Year 1979 Issue 11 PDF HTML
8. Woman Who Developed a Pioneer Joint Venture
IN Winston-Salem, North Carolina last year, the mayor awarded a Chinese woman honorary citizenship to loud applause. Liu Weican, 56, was being recognized for her great contribution to U.S.-Chinese
Author: XUE LIM1N Year 1985 Issue 7 PDF HTML
9. Thinking About Children
I AM a grandmother, and my family lives in a housing development near Baiwanzhuang Street in Beijing's West District. Built in 1953, the unit now has 480 households and 1,600 people. Our family was
Author: XUE SHUXIAN Year 1986 Issue 11 PDF HTML
10. Helping Out My Country Cousins
A tiny tale that illustrates a larger issue.THE DAY my aunt and uncle arrived in Beijing on a visit from my native village of Guadian in Jilin Province, we were all overjoyed: none of us had seen
Author: XUE YONGKU Year 1994 Issue 8 PDF HTML