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1. Art at the End of the Great Wall
A short way west of the city of Jiayuguan, the Great Wall and tacitly the civilization of the Han Chinese, ended. Here across the valley between two mountain ranges the wall still stretches from
Author: GAO FENGSHAN and YANG HUIFU Year 1984 Issue 3 PDF HTML
2. How We Solved Our Housing Problem
AS EVERY YOUNG couple knows, getting adequate living space is a real problem in Beijing. Many work units, which are generally responsible for housing their employees, were for years unable to
Author: HE FENGSHAN Year 1988 Issue 11 PDF HTML
3. The Great Wall and China's Nationalities
The Great Wall, China's Maginot Line to many, was more like a river than a harrier. Rivers unite people and provide them with a place to gather. Much the same way with the wall.MOST OF the Great Wall
Author: LI FENGSHAN Year 1994 Issue 8 PDF HTML
4. It Happened on the Train
Gao Ai, a 13-year-old boy, is a student of violin at the middle school of the Shanghai Music Conservatory. Below he tells about something that happened to him.ONE DAY in May 1978 when I was in my
Author: GAO AI Year 1979 Issue 9 PDF HTML
5. The Li People of Hainan Island
ONCE upon a time a young Li hunter who lived in the Five Finger Mountains on Hainan Island chased a lovely young doe to the southernmost tip of the island. The poor creature, finding herself trapped,
Author: GAO DAXIAN Year 1981 Issue 10 PDF HTML
6. Crochet-Craft in Hai'an County
EVERYWHERE one turns in Hai'an county there are people of all ages engaged in traditional crochet work, their hooks speeding through intricate stitches almost faster than the eye can follow. So many
Author: GAO YUAN Year 1982 Issue 9 PDF HTML
7. From Village to Rail Center-Zhuzhou
THROUGH the city of Zhuzhou south of Changsha in Hunan province pass more passengers and freight than any other place in south China. It is the juncture of three important rail lines of the south.
Author: GAO XIONGFEI Year 1983 Issue 12 PDF HTML
8. A Holy Peak and Sacred Lake
FOR centuries Mount Kang Rimpoche and Lake Mavam Tso on the Tibetan plateau have been suffused in legendary color and worshipped as sacred and holy by Buddhist and Hindu alike. Every May to
Author: GAO PING Year 1984 Issue 6 PDF HTML
9. Ancient Tibetan Ceremony Revived
AFTER BEING officially suspended for some 20 years, the 500-year-old Tibetan Grand Prayer Ceremony was held again this year just as winter was turning into spring in Lhasa. Presiding over the rites
Author: GAO XIANG Year 1986 Issue 8 PDF HTML
10. Signs of Capitalism in China? The Shenyang Experiment
UNUSUAL THINGS for China have occurred in Shenyang, key industrial city in the Northeast. A state-run factory was declared bankrupt and another was leased to individuals to manage. Three collectively
Author: GAO YANGLIU Year 1987 Issue 3 PDF HTML