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1. Higher Quality, Greater Variety
IN EVERY ENTERPRISE in China, people are engaged in intense discussion and study of how to carry out one of the important tasks on the industrial front in 1961 - to further improve the quality of
Author: CHUNG CHIEN Year 1961 Issue 6 PDF HTML
WHEN the huts of Melon Lane in Shanghai were cleared away to build a new workers' village of five-story apartments, the textile and transport workers who were to live there insisted on leaving one of
Author: CHUNG CHIEN Year 1973 Issue 1 PDF HTML
NOBODY who knew Changtsun township in Hsienhsien county, Hopei province, in the past would recognize it today. Its 48 villages used to be little blots of poverty on a desolate landscape. Today, if
Author: SHUI CHIEN-CHUNG Year 1959 Issue 6 PDF HTML
4. HEALTH WORK in Our Mine
WHAT are medical workers doing down in the pit?" a recent visitor asked me as he came up from a tour of our Nantung Colliery just outside Chungking. The miners asked the same question four years ago.
Author: LI CHUNG-CHIEN Year 1962 Issue 8 PDF HTML
5. Flying Reptiles of Sinkiang
THE study of vertebrate fossils has made great progress in China since liberation. The recent discovery of fossils of flying reptiles is a significant example.In 1963, petroleum geologists discovered
Author: YOUNG CHUNG-CHIEN Year 1971 Issue 9 PDF HTML
IN CHINA TODAY, alongside the unprecedented spread of modern athletics, the traditional sports of the people are being revived. Among a tremendous variety of forms developed since ancient times, a
Author: LIN CHIEN Year 1954 Issue 2 PDF HTML
7. The Taiping Revolution
Our articles on the older history of China, printed last year, proved very popular. We now begin a new scries which will cover the period from the Opium War of 1840 to the Liberation in 1949. It will
Author: CHIEN HONG Year 1959 Issue 1 PDF HTML
8. Schooling for the Millions
IN 1949, over 80 per cent of China's population was illiterate. About three-fourths of the children could not afford to attend school - even where schools were available. Two thousand years of
Author: CHANG CHIEN Year 1959 Issue 10 PDF HTML
9. Building Up Productive Power
THE MAIN AIM of expanding capital construction in China is to provide the means for industrial and agricultural production. The growth of these in turn guarantees material for further construction.
Author: LI CHIEN Year 1961 Issue 4 PDF HTML
10. To The First Space Pilot
I have read many tales That tell of heavenly beings Whose wings Bear them to the blue. Were these just dreams - Or prophecy? The first pilot has indeed Reached the edge of the sky. This is a new
Author: TIEN CHIEN Year 1961 Issue 6 PDF HTML