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1. Carving out Rivers in the Hills
CONSTRUCTION on a gigantic water-control scheme to bring irrigation to 12,000,000 mu of dry farm land in the hill regions of western Anhwei province is in full swing. Over one million peasants have
Author: CHI HO-TEH and CHANG YEN-FENG Year 1965 Issue 7 PDF HTML
2. Hupeh Begins to Mechanize Its Farming
The question of how to mechanize Hupeh's collectivized agriculture was posed eight years ago when semi-socialist agricultural producers' cooperatives were being transformed into fully socialist ones.
Author: CHANG CHI Year 1964 Issue 12 PDF HTML
3. Kalidasa in China
THE production of Shakuntala by the Youth Art Theatre in Peking is a memorable event. It is the first time an Indian play has ever been publicly performed on the Chinese stage - surprisingly late in
Author: CHANG FU-CHI Year 1957 Issue 8 PDF HTML
4. The Junk: Old Faithful of Transport
THE JUNK, a sailing vessel which has served China for thousands of years, is helping to meet today's booming domestic shipping needs, but it is also working itself right out of a job. Its
Author: CHANG CHI-TSUNG Year 1958 Issue 9 PDF HTML
5. How Wang Pao-ching Made His Farm a Laboratory
EVERYONE at the Torch people's commune in Lichuan county, Shensi province, seems to be engaging in agricultural research. The whole place is dotted with plots in which experiments are being carried
Author: CHANG CHI-TAO Year 1960 Issue 10 PDF HTML
6. A Store to Serve the People
Although only 35 I have had a quarter of a century's experience in Peking's retail stores. For 14 years I was employed in privately-owned shops. For the last eleven I have worked in a state
Author: CHANG CHI-PIN Year 1964 Issue 8 PDF HTML
7. Raise High the Revolutionary Banner of Criticism and Repudiation
ON October 1, 1949, New China was born! Since then, our former misery-ridden motherland has acquired a new life, standing proudly and firmly in the East. This is a great victory won after scores of
Author: CHANG CHI-HUI Year 1967 Issue 5 PDF HTML
8. Three Big Peninsulas
THE winding coast of China's mainland forms many peninsulas. The three biggest are the Liaotung Peninsula in Liaoning province, the Shantung Peninsula in Shantung province and the Leichow Peninsula
9. The Clock and Watch Industry
THE resonant chimes every quar-ter hour from the clocks on the 43-metre high twin towers of Peking's railway station, built in 1959, are a familiar sound in the capital. These clocks, maintaining
Author: CHANG LIEN-CHANG Year 1962 Issue 2 PDF HTML
ONE howling windy day, Manager Tsui summoned me to his office and announced that he was sending me to the town of Dolon in enemy territory to buy several hundred horses.It was the winter of 1946 and
Author: CHANG CHANG-KUNG Year 1962 Issue 10 PDF HTML