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1. The Baetrian Camel
THE camel is becoming a rather rare animal in the modern world. The one-humped dromedaries of Arab lands are diminishing and the two-humped Baetrian camel of China now lives wild mainly in eastern
Author: CHAO TZU-YUN Year 1978 Issue 12 PDF HTML
2. Industry Comes to the Northwest
PEOPLE used to think of north-west China as a vast but barren plateau where a thinly-scattered population wrested a bare living from the poor soil. It is certainly vast. Shensi, Kansu, Chinghai and
Author: CHANG CHAO Year 1955 Issue 4 PDF HTML
3. China's Fast-Growing Tree Cover
IN THE PAST TWO YEARS, tens of millions of people have become involved in the great movement to make our country green and turn the whole land into a garden, as proposed by Chairman Mao Tse-tung in
Author: CHANG CHAO Year 1960 Issue 9 PDF HTML
4. The General Conies Home
ONE autumn day four years ago, a man, his wife and children arrived in Yenpei, a village in Kianpsi province. Youngsters looked at the newcomers with curiosity, but the older people, hardly believing
Author: CHAO YUNG-AN Year 1961 Issue 4 PDF HTML
BEGINNING from April 10, the Chinese frontier guards, assisted by the Chinese Red Cross Society, repatriated all the Indian soldiers captured during the armed clashes along the Sino-Indian border
Author: CHUN CHAO Year 1963 Issue 7 PDF HTML
IN China today it is not unusual to see commune chairmen hoeing the fields side by side with production team members, factory directors tending the machines or bringing up material for them,
Author: WEN CHAO Year 1965 Issue 3 PDF HTML
7. Gone Are the Days of Lawlessness
THE trial of the Lin Biao and Jiang Qing cliques ended in January but people abroad who are concerned about China's development still show keen interest in it. Some Western media pictured it as a
Author: WEN CHAO Year 1981 Issue 6 PDF HTML
8. International Students Lap China up
THESE days students from Europe, the USA, Korea and Japan are a common sight in all major cities of China. Like Chinese students, they read under trees and chat in the corridors. In their free time
Author: ZHOU CHAO Year 2004 Issue 10 PDF HTML
9. Garbage Man from Tulip Ki
ON Erfei Hill of Liufang Mountain Range, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City stands a huge garbage dump, manned by an industrious-looking dungaree-clad foreigner. He is 37-year-old Henry Fantven, a Dutch
Author: ZHOU CHAO Year 2005 Issue 7 PDF HTML
10. Pollution-Free from Seed to Feed
FOUNDED in 1997, Chaoda Modern Agriculture (Holdings) Ltd is an integrated modern agriculture enterprise engaged in the production and marketing of high quality organic vegetables and fruits. In
Author: CHAO RAN Year 2006 Issue 7 PDF HTML