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1. Internet Literature: Freedom or Depravity
IN bookstores and newsstands of all shapes and sizes, Internet literary works have begun to occupy the most prominent place. More than 20 items of Internet literature have become best sellers in China
Author: By SHU CHENG Year 2000 Issue 10 PDF HTML
BEFORE returning to China eighteen months ago, I spent fifteen years in the United States, studying and working in the field of theoretical physics. My husband Chang Wen-yu and I had a comfortable
Author: WANG CHENG-SHU Year 1958 Issue 7 PDF HTML
3. Only the Selfless Can Be Fearless
TN my boyhood I was a cowherd for feudal landlords in the southwestern province of Szechuan and was bitterly oppressed in a hundred ways. After the liberation I joined the P.L.A. Since then, from a
Author: SHU CHI-CHENG Year 1968 Issue 4 PDF HTML
4. Doing Atomic Energy Research
LAST year, as a deputy to the Fourth National Congress held in the Great Hall of the People, I heard Premier Chou En-lai say, "The Chinese people, under the leadership of the Central Committee of the
Author: WANG CHENG-SHU Year 1976 Issue 4 PDF HTML
5. The Hui People's Academy
THE HUIS are one of the bigger national minorities in our country. Like several other minority peoples in China, they are believers in Islam. The Hui People's Academy in Peking, which I helped
Author: LI SHU Year 1955 Issue 5 PDF HTML
The words under his brush flow like the wind and the rain,The poems he composes move even the gods.Such was the tribute to Li Po penned by his great contemporary and good friend, Tu Fu.[注释1] Li Po
Author: SHU WU Year 1955 Issue 6 PDF HTML
7. Agriculture Will Have A New Look
IN CHINA'S Second Five-Year Plan (1958-62) the development of agriculture will parallel that of industry. This is possible because the First Five-Year Plan (1953-57) did more than lay a preliminary
Author: HUA SHU Year 1958 Issue 2 PDF HTML
CHINGHAI, or Koko Nor, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3,196 metres above sea-level in the northwestern province of Chinghai, to which the giant lake gives its name. The lake
Author: WANG SHU Year 1964 Issue 2 PDF HTML
9. The Hangchow Children's Orchestra
THE 50-member children's orchestra at the Ta Kuan Primary School in the city of Hangchow draws a big audience whenever it gives a performance. After one of them I had a chat with the young musicians,
Author: KUNG SHU Year 1972 Issue 11 PDF HTML
10. Sun Yat-sen's Role in the 1911 Revolution
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, which is celebrated on October 10, our September issue carried the articles "The 1911 Revolution", "Soong Ching Ling on Sun Yat-sen," and
Author: LI SHU Year 1981 Issue 10 PDF HTML